Dr. Kyle Jacobs and Dr. Bruno Azeredo defended late in the fall of 2016 their PhD work on electrochemical-based nanoimprinting methods for advanced nanomanufacturing of metals and semicondutors. Kyle continues at UIUC as a post-doc and Bruno is off to Arizona State University.
Kyle Jacobs publishes new work on nanoparticle patterning onto ionic glasses. For more information, please read the official announcement at the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering’s website.
This september, Numair Ahmed successfully defended this PhD thesis titled: “Advanced Instrumented Stamps for Micro Transfer Printing and Novel Application Areas”.
After achieving 1st place in Cozad competition and receiving the US$25,000 award, Nishana’s company pushes its innovation forward: a mobile safety device. Check out the article on her work!!!
Dr. Alokaily succesfully passed his PhD Final examination and graduated from our lab in September of 2014. He is now working in the San Francisco Bay Area at LAM Research Coorportation. Alaa worked on laser transferprinting. For more infomation on his work, please follow his publications on Google Scholar and LinkedIn.
Bruno Azeredo gave an oral presenation on November 20th, 2014 at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. His presentation was titled “Semiconductor Photonic Devices Metal-assisted Electrochemical Stamping for Semiconductor Photonic Devices” and highlighted the work on the development of a direct imprint technique for patterning 2.5D nanostructures onto semiconductors with Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching. Dr. Ferreira’s group collaborated with Dr. Keng Hsu at Arizona State University in this initiative.
Dr. Ferreira has received the William T. Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award. For more information, please read the official announcement at the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering’s website.
Dr. Ferreira received an endowed professorship. For more information, please read the official announcement on the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering’s website.