PhD Students

PhD Students

Jorge Correa


Jorge first joint the group in 2011 as a visiting scholar after graduating from his B.S degree in Mechanical Engineering at EAFIT university at Colombia. After that, he continued at Illinois as MS/PHD student. His research focuses on the design and fabrication of flexible and MEMS systems for precision engineering  applications such as micro force sensors, data storage devices, scanning probe microscopy actuators, micro optical lens scanners and nanoindentors.


Shama Farabi


Shama joined the group in 2013 as a PhD student. He finished his BS from Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh in 2007 and MS from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 2012. His reasearch focus is to develop a new electrochemical manufacturing technique for making high aspect ratio metal microstructures using photoconductive electrodes.


Nishana Ismail


Nishana Ismail joined the group in 2014 as a PhD student. She obtained her masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2013 and a Bachelors degree from National Institute of Technology Calicut in 2008. Prior to starting her masters program she was a Product Engineering trainee with Deere & Company, India. Her research area is on developing novel devices and applications of Micro Transfer Printing with a focus on health monitoring and micro fluidics.


Bonjin Koo


Bonjin received his B.S. in mechanical engineering from Purdue University at West Lafayette in 2008. He joined Prof. Ferreira’s group at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2008 as a MS/PhD student. His research focuses on manufacturing multiple degree of freedom micro/nano positioning stages and developing control schemes of MEMS devices. Mr. Koo develops high-yield fabrication process of 1D/2D/3D MEMS positioning stages based on conventional photolithography on SOI(silicon on insulator) wafer. He is also interested in implementing closed-loop control of the fabricated MEMS stages to increase performance for the various applications.


Nick Toombs


Nick joined Professor Ferreira’s group as an undergraduate research assistant while pursuing his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois. He continued at Illinois in 2013 as an Masters student. His research focuses on Laser Micro Transfer Printing and heterogeneous material integration. He is working to reduce the temperature of the laser transfer printing process to extend the life of the elastomeric stamps and to enable printing of temperature sensitive components and materials.
